Friday, 13 April 2012

Video Production Strife & COD RAGE!

Spyro The Dragon
Not the happiest of people today! for a couple of reasons, well if you've read any of the other posts you'll know that I have been doing a Spyro the Dragon let's play for the past week or so, and what I wanted to do was to release a new episode every day. Well that hit a bit of a snag, You see my computer isn't the best computer in the world so it takes a good 6 hours to render a 20 minute video. Bummer I know. 

Let's Play Spyro Part 3 & 4

Hola mi amigos! I've been getting so side tracked doing these play through lately but they're so fun! Anyways i yet again forgot to post when i'd done the last one so i'll have them both in this post. Part 3 and Part 4 at your leisure! Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Let's Play Spyro The Dragon - #2 Dragons Can't Swim!

Hard work this play through business, but anyway we shall persevere and get them all done! Seem to have forgotten to post this yesterday although i'm sure i did, oh well. Anyway here's part two, if you haven't already why not check out part one and subscribe to see the rest and future let's plays :D


Monday, 9 April 2012

Let's Play Spyro the Dragon - #1 The Adventure Begins

Afternoon all, yesterday I started work on something a little bit different, after hours of getting my Playstation emulator to work I decided i'd so something i've been wanting to do for a very long time! A Let's Play series. Starting with Spyro the Dragon simply because this is one of my favourite games of all time. I really hope it goes down well and I can continue to make them :D Have a watch see what you think.

VLog #2 - MineCraft & MMORPG's

It's that time again my friendlings! Uploaded another VLog as I knew i'd be too tired later in the day to write something out, so call me lazy but here it is! This time we're playing the wonderful minecraft and having a heart to heart about MMORPG's enjoy!


Sunday, 8 April 2012

Minecraft Vs. The Sims

Minecrafts trademakr Grass Block

Recently I’ve been playing a lot of Minecraft, and for those of you who don’t know what it is then you should go check out , I also recently bought Sims 3 for the Xbox 360 and both games are sort of simulation games, but perhaps in different era’s for example in the Sims you do the day to day things in the modern world. Build a home, get a job, have a career and start a family. Whereby in Minecraft you do the day to day things that you might have done in the medieval times, excluding slaying monsters because, don’t quote me here, but monsters might not be real. I’m not sure yet. But anyway, which one is better?

Friday, 6 April 2012

Vlog #1 - COD Roots

Thought i'd make something a little different today so rather than another wall of text I decided i'd make a Vlog just to keep things a bit fresh, so it's basically just an introduction style thing with a bit of a talk about my Call of Duty starting days in there too. So hope you enjoy :)


Thursday, 5 April 2012

Modern Warfare 3 – Transfer Market.

MW3 Logo
No, unfortunately I’ve not managed to somehow liven up the world of football with explosions and killstreaks, although a predator missile pave low combo would make amusing half time entertainment, I’m actually talking about MW3 call signs and emblems! Okay so for those of you who don’t know about modern warfare’s online multi player joys, then basically let me try and explain this in as neat a way as possible. 

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

First Day, First Post….First Mini-Rant, Mini-Review?

WWE  '12 Logo
So, it’s the 3rd of April, 2012, and so marks the first ever Re:Genesis post! A quite monumental moment if I do say so myself, well not quite. Wow okay so what a weekend it’s been for me. Not in the respects that I’ve done much but I’ve had loads to do, if you can see where I’m coming from. Okay so this is supposed to be a daily blog about gaming which it shall predominantly be, but I do think it’s good for me to fill you guys in on other things I’ve been getting up to.  Right for those of you who may or may not know, this past Sunday was WrestleMania and to celebrate this I decided I’d dust off my 360 and crack open WWE ’12, well that and the fact that my PS3 controller was beyond usable. Partly due to the fact that it’s now 4 years old and that it might have been thrown against a wall a few times. I really am quite a rage gamer, if I have a bad game, the controller has a bad game sort of thing, but hey! What can I do? I call it passionate…