MW3 Logo |
No, unfortunately I’ve not managed to somehow liven up the world of football with explosions and killstreaks, although a predator missile pave low combo would make amusing half time entertainment, I’m actually talking about MW3 call signs and emblems! Okay so for those of you who don’t know about modern warfare’s online multi player joys, then basically let me try and explain this in as neat a way as possible.
Essentially you get what I believe is called a call sign with your account that basically has your PSN name or Live name, your level, four little emblems that display your ranks in other Call of Duty titles and two more little doo da’s, your emblem and title. These you can mix and match and go all Gok Wan on if you like. You get these by levelling and completing simple challenges. Well you get SOME by levelling and completing simple challenges, most of them are so convoluted or insane to get that you find yourself going completely insane just to get them! But you know how it is, you see something that looks cool on one person you instantly think. “I MUST HAVE THIS NOW!”
Transfer Title |
For example, myself and a couple of friends were playing as we usually do on a daily basis, and like me, my friend is a bit of a completionist and likes to have and do everything a game has to offer. He was looking through the different call signs and emblems and came across one that for some reason, which I will never know caught his eye. The title is called “Transfer” and the ONLY way to get this title is to melee kill someone who already has this title and is using it. This thing is like gold dust. Or so we thought.
So let’s start at the beginning I logged into MSN when I woke up and was greeted with something along the lines of “I found someone! I backed into him like 30 times and he wouldn’t knife me!” Now I completely thought he was just backing into people on the street and was already looking up mental institutions online, but it turns out he was talking about this title. Who would have thought eh?
So I jumped online and after a few games we found a lobby that had not one, but two people with this title so the epic music started and the mission became all so clear! Attain the title at all costs. You see we thought that you needed to be knifed by someone with it, not knife them yourself. So we completely messed up the score for the team resulting in a complete loss eventually, and if anyone from that game ever reads this then I’m so sorry! So the game was coming to an end, time was running out and we just HAD to get these titles when I ran round a corner, and for those who are interested this was on the Seatown map of MW3, and as if it was like destiny had struck I was knifed by someone with the title and you know what happened….? Nothing, that’s right, squat. No challenge complete NOTHING. We’d spent a game dying for Nothing! For someone like me who likes to watch my stats, this was painful!
Seatown Map |
But then the really painful thing happened. One of our other friend jumped onto the game, joined out Skype call and we told him about what we had been trying to do for what seemed forever, and as if it was nothing he was like “Oh yeah that one, there’s someone in this game with it, I’ll just get it and….there we go got it.” Now I’m not proud of what we did next but after so much time I think we deserved it. Yes…We boosted the title. We join his game, and got him to let us kill him. I know! I’m ashamed! But at least I now have something to show for it!
Anyways I guess that just about sums up my gaming expedition for today! Oh! And another thing as well, I found my old video capture card and it still works perfectly so I’m thinking of uploading some Gameplay / Vlog style videos as well just to stir things up a little bit. So until next time. Sayonara!
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